...seriously though it is 6:15 right now and I've been in the library since noon. I still have a ton of work to get done but had to take a break to blog.
So I was hoping Carissa was picking the next theme so I would have a theme to talk about today. I guess since that didn't happen I will just continue on with the travel theme because I don't want to hog the theme picking position.

So a lot has changed in a week. I started planning out my London trip but google mapping all the places I want to go and saving them into a map so I can see it all in one place. I had a lot of fun street viewing all the hotspots like the London Eye and Big Ben. I even found the TARDIS parked outside of Earl Court's Tube Station (see right). But I started to realise that I can't possibly do everything I want to do in a week! I'd want to take a day trip to Cardiff and see the capital of Wales (and try and track down Matt Smith). I'd want to go up to Birmingham for a couple days and stay with my friends who all have a flat up there. I'd want to go to Scotland and do Scottish things. I don't even really know much about Scotland expect that David Tennant is from there. I'd also want to go to Ireland because I'd be right there. It seems stupid to pay all that money to go to the UK to just see London! I'm a girl who loves to travel, but when I travel I want to do it right! I still regret backing out of a Mediterranean cruise I had been looking forward to for so long to stay in Israel for my Passover Break when I was there! From the first month I was there I decided I wanted to go to Greece for that break and then things got complicated.
But anyway...back to London. So yeah, at around 2 am Wednesday or Thursday night, I decided I am going to look into possibly studying abroad in London for a semester. I already found a university in the heart of London that offers both the science classes and Jewish Studies classes I need for my two majors. Now I just need to find out specifics about the program and transferring credits and cost and all those details so I'm going to a preliminary meeting on Thursday. I'm excited! A semester pwns a week any day so finger's crossed this works out!
Okay now here's the part where I respond to you all. I actually hand wrote all this out while reading your blogs from the week so I wouldn't forget anything.
@Tenley - No VidCon for me =( But I am trying to drive down to Infinitus for a day or two. I'll be in school this summer which is why I can't go to VidCon or all of Infinitus. So if anyone is going to be at Infinitus I'll hopefully be there Saturday/Sunday and maybe some Friday but it would depend on my classes. I have two friends going who are trying to stay in the same room so I'm just planning on crashing with them. Oh but speaking of Harry Potter conferences...I will be at LeakyCon! I will try any and every which way to be there even if it means coordinating my schedule that summer around those dates! LeakyCon is where I am planning to meet all of CAT-I-TUDE* IRL so we can all meet IRL there too if you guys are there =D

@Chelsea - YES THERE IS A DOCTOR WHO STORE!!!! There was an ad for it in DWM (Doctor Who Magazine) so when I was doing my London research I google map'd it. It's about half an hour outside the center of London. They also have an
online shop. I found it on street view too =D It looks so awesome!
Also, one of my friends just got back from a trip to Thailand, Cambodia and somewhere else in Southeast Asia I don't remember, but she absolutely loved it! I have another friend trying to study abroad somewhere in that area next year. I'm so jealous of them!
@Carissa - Italy is awesome! I hope you get to go! I don't remember if you've said where in Italy you would be going, but I absolutely loved Florence it is so pretty there! And Rome and Venice are great too! I actually spent my 17th birthday trapped inside St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome because the president of the Philippines was visiting the pope and they would let anyone out of the cathedral until all the cardinals walked through then finally the president of the Philippines. I'd never seen so many Asian tourists in one place! lol
Oh also, I don't have a P.O. Box, but I do have an address so if you even wanted to send me anything just ask me for it. For obvious reasons I'm not posting it here. I've always been meaning to send all of you guys and all of CAT-I-TUDE letters and I wrote about four before I stopped. I should pick those up again!
This has been quite a long blog. I didn't realise I had so much to say! I kind of like blogging. I should pick up my personal blog again. But chances are that will happen for like a week then I'll get too busy or forgot or get lazy like I have in the past so I'll just stick to this.
And if you haven't already seen, I posted two videos recently. Both are trock songs I've written. I've been in a song writing mood lately. I'm thinking about starting a new youtube channel as a music channel and take my songs off my personal channel. I'm trying to come up with a good name for the channel so I'm open to suggestions if you have any. I randomly had the idea yesterday that SOH-CAH-TOA would be a good band name...I think I've been doing too much triangle stuff in physics lol but I if I'm picking a name for a music channel for myself it has to be nerdy so it can encompass trock, wrock, and nerdfighter related music. I know I don't have the greatest voice, but I really enjoy making music and sharing it. Below are links to my two new songs and to a cover done of a song I did a little while ago.
Totally Fucked (a trock parody of the Spring Awakening song)
Ode to Ten (a trock parody of Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright)
Bad Wolf Bay by BLUEBOXX (a cover of my song Doomsday)
Okay I've successfully killed an hour in the library so I think it is time to get back to work so I'm not here all night.
*CAT-I-TUDE is the name of a skype chat I have with a bunch of nerdfighters. We are one of many nerdfighter cliques out there. There are about 15-20 of us in it. I'm sure some of you probably know a couple people in our group. We've actually become quite well known in the nerdfighter community even if most people don't know us by name but John has even referred to us as "the group" =D