Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday at Last

Do you guys have any idea how hard it has been to wait till Tuesday rolls around just so I can post my first blog on here? I'm guessing you do, at least those of you who haven't posted yet. Seriously though I'm really excited about this project and hopefully it works out better for us then Vlogging did.

I suppose I should follow tradition and introduce myself first:

I'm Tenley... or Tenley Nadine, or perhaps hangingwithNadine if your a big fan of Youtube usernames. I'm 18 and this past fall I started college in Virginia with a major in Interior Design. I also like to write, and I participated in NaNoWriMo this part November, I lost, but it was my first try and 30,000 words is still a huge accomplishment. I am Nerdfighter and have been for a little over a year at this point (October 22nd, 2008). I'm particularly nerdy about things like literature, art and Harry Potter. And finally, I suck at writing introcuctions... always have.

That being said if there's anything you want to know that I left out just ask and I'll fill you in... unless its something creepy, then keep it to yourself.

Moving on! My life as been pretty laid back lately. I'm at home on Winter break until the 17th when I go back to school, so until then I've been using my time very wisely by sleeping and watching old episodes of the Guild. Have you girls seen the Guild? If you haven't you should watch it, its amazing. But then again, I haven't seen Dr. Who yet despite how much several of you love it. Sorry... maybe eventually.

Also, I already completed one of my new years resolutions! I learned how to edit, and started planning out a video to show off my incredible new skills. Just kidding.... about the incredible skills anyway.

Do you guys make resolutions? Or do you agree with Kayley Hyde, "if I wanna change something about myself, I'll change it and I don't really need a deadline for it." Oh there's another thing about me, I quote Youtuber's a lot. Which is why the slogan on my personal blog is, "fangirl much?", its very fitting.

Well, that's about all that's going on today... I'll see you next week, no I won't "see" you. I'll talk to you next week. No, that makes it seem like I won't talk to you on the ning or on Skype till next week. I know...

Until the next time I fill up space on this blog,
Tenley Nadine

P.S. Chelsea, I can't wait till you fill up precious blog space tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

i make resolutions but rarely keep them.

The guild is amazing! i've so glad someone else like that show.
You need to watch doctor who!!!!!!

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