Friday, January 8, 2010


Hello Girls,

It's been a long week but I'm so glad that it is almost over. I go back to college next monday and I can not wait to start my italian class. I am SO excited!!!!
My lovely italian teacher sent me an email the other day to tell everyone in the class that our book would cost $210!!!! But since he is such an awesome person he has made his own textbook and we do not need to buy the other one!! YAHOOOOOO!! win kitty for saving money!

I dont know if anyone else is participating but i'm participating in 50 books in 2010 but im upping it to 100 because i  did 50 books way to easily last year.  With that in mind does anyone have any good books that they think i should read??

I very excited today because i met with my study abroad teacher and she gave me a whole bunch of information on the semester. I'm going to Italy!!! In just under 5 months!! I'm Super Excited today!!!

I think we need themes or something because this is my second time blogging and already im running out of things to say lol. so starting next blog i'll probley have a theme to my blogs or else mine ill be very boring.



Tenley Nadine said...

The Graveyard book by Neil Gaiman is amazing. There's way more, but that one just came to mind... and I'm rereading it now.

Theme weeks would be great, maybe we could rotate (Monday picks the theme, then Tuesday and so on).

crosskitelines said...

I'm loving The Shadow of the wind is amazing. I'm still in the process of reading it. And I love love love The Thirteenth tale. Its my all time favorite book and I pretty much force it on everyone. OMG Italy! That sounds amazing!!! Have you read Eat pray love? I read it last year and thoust it was lovely... so you should read that one too...
happy reading

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