Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hey girls! As usually I'm writing from this from the library. Although today I don't have a lot of work to do, just an essay to write, but of course I left my prompt at home and my sister has my car so I'm stuck procrastinating until I can get home and get the prompt. Guess it'll be another sleepless night.

So this week's theme is the Olympics. Usually I love the Olympics. I love watching the figure skating and the skiing. But this year I haven't watched at all. To be honest, I haven't really wanted to watch because I've been so wrapped up in watching Buffy. I got turned onto Buffy and now I've watched nothing but. I'm a week and a half behind on other tv shows because I'm so addicted to Buffy right now! I guess this is like the story of my life...get addicted to a show, maraton watch until I have no more to watch, then watch and rewatch until the next obsession comes along. At least it's keeping me busy until Matt Smith's season starts.

Speaking of keeping busy until Matt Smith's season starts...Chelsea I loved Veronica Mars! I got into it a couple years ago after it was finished but it is such a great show! I love Krtisten Bell!

Oh I do have really excited new this week! So my phone contract was up last week and my parents came up to visit this weekend for family weekend so I got a new cell phone. But not just any phone...I got a freaking iPhone! I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this for two years. I love it so much already and I've barely even put anything on it yet.

I think we need to have a skype chat soon because we really need to work things out with this blog!

Carissa where were you? No Friday post =(

Okay well I'm going back to watching Buffy...I'm almost done with season 6.



Chelsea said...

o. m. g. i just found this blog via one Tenley Nadine.
i've been a Buffy fan since it first aired in '97, but i did the same thing with Dr. Who!
and when you're done with Buffy, if you haven't already, i MUST recommend Dr Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog. especially if you like Once More with Feeling!

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