Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Olympics and Poe

"Oh yeah, its Tuesday. I should blog." My thoughts about two minutes ago (very bad time estimate, it was probably less).

Not much is happening to be honest, I went to class, I came home, I talked to people online, I re-watched two and half months of Vlogbrother videos when I should have been doing homework, and of course I watched the Olympics.

Speaking of the Olympics (okay, I'll admit that whole last paragraph was just a pathetic way of bringing up the theme) that's this weeks theme! _____ <--- insert enthusiasm here (just kidding, I'm actually reasonably excited... well, no, but I'm not dreading it either). I usually only watch figure skating, but this year I've been watching Speed skating as well. Other than that I haven't really kept track of what's going on. I didn't even watch the opening ceremony. My parents watched it and I kind of heard it in the background, but I didn't watch it. Personally, I think the opening ceremonies are kind of boring. Specifically the part where all the teams walk in. In the past when I watched this part my first thought was: "we get it... a lot of countries, a lot of teams... what's your point?" And this is still pretty accurate.

Also, I really wish this happened last week because it would fit perfect with the nerdiness theme. But on Monday my English Professor assigned this major research paper on Edgar Allen Poe! Okay, not really about him, but about his stories... well, one of them (I haven't picked yet, I should be doing that now). Naturally me and my supreme nerdiness are really excited about it. Even I am calling myself a nerd right now.

@Chelsea Aww... *hugs* Boys are stupid... remember that, its a general life lesson. #facts

@Carissa Oh seez... that's a lot of snow!

@Arielle *sings* "We're off to see the Wizard..." I've had that stuck in my head since I read your post.

*flees to finally do some homework*
Tenley Nadine

P.S. In regards to the towing incident, it turned out fine. I called the school, and explained what happened and they realized it. I still had to get a new parking pass, but it was only like five bucks.


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