Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Downside of Procrastination

This is going to be quick because I have to work on my English paper and its already pretty late. The theme this week is presents. You can tell us about the best present you've gotten, or the worst, or just a funny story about presents, it really doesn't matter. 

I'm currently drawing a blank on every present I've ever received though (perhaps because I've been spending so much time working on my paper*). But I do remember a present I gave so I'm going to tell that story. 

When I was in tenth grade one of my friends decided to have a white elephant party (I don't remember the reason). I pretty sure white elephant gifts are common knowledge, but in case their not, its basically just a stupid gift that no one would ever want to receive, but in this case they do as a joke (wrapping up garbage is a common present). But I decided to take it further. I took a Ken doll (yes I still owned one in tenth grade. Yes, I'm weird) and put him in Barbie clothes and then stuck him in Barbie box with the label; Cross-dresser Ken. 

Usually I'd go into more detail when I tell stories, but I really have to work on my paper so I can't. But real quickly, some @replies: 

@Chelsea I hope the shows going well, and good luck (I'll probably say that again next week FYI)!

@Carissa Luna is awesome. I wish I could rewatch Harry Potter (my inner thoughts: no, Tenley, no don't procrastinate anymore. You can't!).

Dang it, this was much longer than I was going for! I apparently can't do short. I can't do short blogs, I can't watch Youtube videos for a short period of time... 

Tenley Nadine

*That's a lie. I've been spending my time procrastinating, which is why I'm in such a panic now. Why do I do this to myself? 


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