Friday, March 12, 2010

i like turtles.....sea turtles that is...and sharks...da dum da dum...

hello girls!

So this week i went to the aquarium. And have rediscovered my love of the ocean. I also adopted a penguin named diane, through the adopt an animal at the aquarium. Her mate is named jack (hum along i know u know the song). i also have been on a nature kick again i've been watching planet earth and deep blue and another one that i forget what it is called.

my spring break isn't for another week! (lucky Arielle) so i have midterms next week and so much work to do.

I dont know if any of u are gamers but i recently bought bioshock 2 for Pc (yes i know i have a mac and i love macs but i have an old dell from 3 years ago that im currently installing it on as i type this) and i am so looking forward to playing it.

By the way girls Mac or PC?

Personally I love Macs and Apple products but I vote Google over Mac any day...i have an android phone and i use google chromo on my macbook which i know is evil nowadays.

I have started reading the book Garden Spells for this book club my friends at work are doing. Have any of you read them?

Also really funny story so if you dont know i have 2 fish tanks in my room one has 2 angelfish in it and the other has 2 tetras (one skirt and one glowfish) and a albino cory fish. So i went and got a balloon mollie to put in the tank from the fish store and ut the bag in the tank like your suppose to and waited about an hour. i came back and guess what...........My fish had BABIES! so i did some more research and apparently mollies can keep having babies for up to a month without needing a male mollie so needless to say she and the fry are in a breeding tank together. Crazy stuff!

@Chelsea i hope your show is going well now that life is getting better for you. Break A Leg!!

@Arielle hope you are having fun on Spring Break. And how excited are u for july and the Very potter musical sequel!!!!!! I am so excited! my friends and i are planning a trip that probley wont happen to see it at U of M in ann harbor in may.

@Tenley I hope your midterms went well and you have fun on spring break!


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