Friday, February 26, 2010

Once more with feeling and SNOW!!!! no more Snow!

hello girls!

i must apologize for my absence last week, i had tons of work and very little time to complete it.

i love the olympics my 2 favorite winter sports are hockey and curling. im so excited that the final mens hockey game is usa vs. (hopefully) canada. we beat them once and we can do it again. i watched usa vs finland today and it was a slaughter of the finland team in 5 minutes usa had gotten 6 goals 2 of which were in 15 secs. it was crazy! 

so this weeks theme is when we were young. I was born in florida and lived there till i was 9. i miss it some times. the one childhood memory that my parents always like to bring up is the fact that when i was 3 i was at preschool and got put in timeout because i was a hyper little kid and found a crayon. um needless to say i did what most children do and stuck it up my nose. i had to be taken to the hospital to get it out. when i was 2 i was in the hospital for meningitis and it was really bad, i got pushed around in a wagon with my iv bag. my parents actual took pictures and i recently found them.

i dont know if any of you have ever see kids on leaches but let me tell u i was one of those kids. i was so hyper as a child and i would run off in department stores and hide in clothing racks and not make a sound i use to scare the crap out of my parents.

im currently watching harry potter and the sorcerers stone. they are all so cute and little! i think my favorite characters in HP are luna and remus lupin. im going to reread them when i finish the books im reading right now.

@arielle -I LOVE BTVS! i have been obsessed with it since 1998. Angel is pretty good too. Thats so cool that you got an iphone! i have the my touch from google and its awesome.

@chelsea - I  love the show veronica mars too!

Oh by the way girls ive had college canceled today because of a snowicane! lol we got more snow today and have more still on the way!


Ps: im 4 for 100 now in the book challenge

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

when you were young...

Hello ladies
I got home really late tonight. I had to do some last minute costume shopping after rehearsal. The musical is coming on great except I dont know how to act... and I dont think I come off prostitute-ish enough. I love musicals... anyways.
This is a funny theme cause I have to write a memior for an english project. Well when I was young I didnt do much but watch tv. I went to a crap private school in St. Thomas. Then my parents were like "this school is crap" and I went to a different private school where I had to repeat 2nd grade. Um... And I watched a lot of tv. I moved to Ga where I learned to read and watched less tv (but still a massive amount of tv)
List time (this is the part where the rap breaks down)
1)had a freak obsession with Anne of Green Gables
2)had a freak obsession with lord of the rings
3)watched massive amounts of tv
4)started doing homework instead of watching tv
5)Found Harry Potter
So the show opens March 11-14 and then prom is the following week. After that I have about a month til graduation! Time Flies when you're stressed.
I think I'm gonna go to sleep now

oh and Carissa asked when our Birthdays were. I'm October 24th...
Good night yal

OH one more thing
Have yal heard of the Broken Bells??? they have this song called the high road and it's my favorite so I thought I would share that..
okay G'night Folks

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When I was a Child...

Today's post is going to be fairly short because I still have a lot of homework to get done tonight.

First, the theme: when you were little.

I actually don't remember a whole lot from my childhood, but here's some of the ones I do:

1. When I was about 2 I was in my walker and my sister kept giving me some of her crackers (she was really into Barney and had just watched a show about sharing). But instead of eating them, I repeatedly chucked them at her head when she turned around. I don't know why...

2. When I was 4 my family went to Cedar Point (we lived in Michigan at the time and it was like an hour drive) and we visited the Berenstain Bears home (its not there anymore, but believe me it was awesome).

3. When I was 6-7 my sister (same one as before) and I were playing with a ball in basement and she tossed it to me, and I missed it. But being the clumsy person I am, I attempted to dive for it (a 6-7 year old version of a dive anyway) and fell into my Mom's old school sewing machine (one of those big ones with needles poking out everywhere) (it might be called something else technically, I don't remember). Fortunately, I came out of it with just a scar on my stomach.

@Chelsea So glad you had a good week! Also, Blair Waldorf is fabulous.
@Arielle Lucky, I want an iPhone!

Tenley Nadine

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hey girls! As usually I'm writing from this from the library. Although today I don't have a lot of work to do, just an essay to write, but of course I left my prompt at home and my sister has my car so I'm stuck procrastinating until I can get home and get the prompt. Guess it'll be another sleepless night.

So this week's theme is the Olympics. Usually I love the Olympics. I love watching the figure skating and the skiing. But this year I haven't watched at all. To be honest, I haven't really wanted to watch because I've been so wrapped up in watching Buffy. I got turned onto Buffy and now I've watched nothing but. I'm a week and a half behind on other tv shows because I'm so addicted to Buffy right now! I guess this is like the story of my life...get addicted to a show, maraton watch until I have no more to watch, then watch and rewatch until the next obsession comes along. At least it's keeping me busy until Matt Smith's season starts.

Speaking of keeping busy until Matt Smith's season starts...Chelsea I loved Veronica Mars! I got into it a couple years ago after it was finished but it is such a great show! I love Krtisten Bell!

Oh I do have really excited new this week! So my phone contract was up last week and my parents came up to visit this weekend for family weekend so I got a new cell phone. But not just any phone...I got a freaking iPhone! I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this for two years. I love it so much already and I've barely even put anything on it yet.

I think we need to have a skype chat soon because we really need to work things out with this blog!

Carissa where were you? No Friday post =(

Okay well I'm going back to watching Buffy...I'm almost done with season 6.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Random

Hey Ladies

      Okay to be perfectly honest I havent been watching the olympics at all. Please dont hate me. But if this makes any difference at all I'm going to be doing science olympiad this saturday. That makes no difference at all. I'm no where near prepared but I'm hoping it will be fun and maybe by some twisted miracle I could maybe win the bird event. I've been learning a lot about birds today. And ducks are my favorite thing about this event. I'm in love with the wood duck. Google it! It's the cutest most freaky looking thing in the world. I think it's cause it has red eyes... Okay I'm going to stop talking about ducks now.
Happy news
Everything having to do with prom is going right! I think that last week was just a fluke and everything is on the up.
Date: check
Dress: check
Shoes: check
Headband: ---

I think you guys know this already but Blair Waldorf is my inspiration for life so I cant go to prom without a headband.

Sad news

I found a new(old) show!!! Veronica Mars is my show til Doctor Who comes back. With everyday I get more and more excited for Matt Smith. Everytime I watch the preview I want to jump up and down , scream, or something equally lame.

@Carissa all that snow was ridiculous! I mean in GA we got about 3in (all three inches were gone about a day and a half later) And that was still more than I could handle. If (when) we meet irl we should have a phantom night complete with every poto movie you own.
@Arielle happy exam taking...that sounds wierd
@Tenley I love poe... When I was in like 9th grade I had a thing fot the tell tale heart. Thats my only poe story. I wish I was more entertaining

@everyone I dont think I'll be going to any youtubie gatherings but this summer I will be going to the Hary Potter theme park. So yeah..
I ought to study my bird book now


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Olympics and Poe

"Oh yeah, its Tuesday. I should blog." My thoughts about two minutes ago (very bad time estimate, it was probably less).

Not much is happening to be honest, I went to class, I came home, I talked to people online, I re-watched two and half months of Vlogbrother videos when I should have been doing homework, and of course I watched the Olympics.

Speaking of the Olympics (okay, I'll admit that whole last paragraph was just a pathetic way of bringing up the theme) that's this weeks theme! _____ <--- insert enthusiasm here (just kidding, I'm actually reasonably excited... well, no, but I'm not dreading it either). I usually only watch figure skating, but this year I've been watching Speed skating as well. Other than that I haven't really kept track of what's going on. I didn't even watch the opening ceremony. My parents watched it and I kind of heard it in the background, but I didn't watch it. Personally, I think the opening ceremonies are kind of boring. Specifically the part where all the teams walk in. In the past when I watched this part my first thought was: "we get it... a lot of countries, a lot of teams... what's your point?" And this is still pretty accurate.

Also, I really wish this happened last week because it would fit perfect with the nerdiness theme. But on Monday my English Professor assigned this major research paper on Edgar Allen Poe! Okay, not really about him, but about his stories... well, one of them (I haven't picked yet, I should be doing that now). Naturally me and my supreme nerdiness are really excited about it. Even I am calling myself a nerd right now.

@Chelsea Aww... *hugs* Boys are stupid... remember that, its a general life lesson. #facts

@Carissa Oh seez... that's a lot of snow!

@Arielle *sings* "We're off to see the Wizard..." I've had that stuck in my head since I read your post.

*flees to finally do some homework*
Tenley Nadine

P.S. In regards to the towing incident, it turned out fine. I called the school, and explained what happened and they realized it. I still had to get a new parking pass, but it was only like five bucks.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Hey girls! I hope everyone is enjoying their Valentines Day if you are celebrating and if not I hope you had a good Sunday! Mine was once again spent in the library. So what else is new? It's been another long week for me! I thought I had another week between my exams, but the second one finished I had to start studying for the one coming up. At least when this one is over I have a few weeks of not living in the library. This is just going to be a quick one because it's been a long weekend of studying and I still have a lot to do!

So the theme is what makes me nerdy. Well, John describes nerd as "liking things" and over the years I've liked a lot of things.
My earliest obsession was Star Wars. I owned the original trilogy on VHS and watched it all the time. I used to get those little light sword things from the parades at Disney and pretend they were my light saber. I was even Darth Vader one year for Halloween and made my sister be Princess Lea.
I also had a bit of a Wizard of Oz obsession for a while. I used to have these little figurines of Dorothy, Lion, Tin Man, Scarcrow and Toto I used to play with.
Then there was Harry Potter. I don't really think that one needs much explanation.
I've always had an obsession with TV shows. The specific shows have changed throughout the years, but I'm a bit of a TV nerd. I follow way too many shows a week!
I've also always been a bit of a computer nerd. I was always the person my family would turn to with simple computer problems. In fact my mom still calls me up before she takes her computer into Apple to see if I can fix her problems.
I was a mathlete in high school.
I can solve a Rubik's cube in about 2 minutes and I can also solve a 4x4 Rubik's cube.
Then there is the Doctor Who nerd in me that grows stronger every day. Sometimes I amaze myself with the references I can pull to Doctor Who considering I've only been a fan of the show since the summer when I marathon watched the new series. I'm still working my way through the old series. I'll be starting the third Doctor next. I sort of skipped Second I didn't like Troughton much.
My current obsession is Buffy. I've been watching nothing but Buffy this past week. I'm really behind on all my other shows but Buffy is just so good!
Okay I think that is enough listing of how I am a nerd. I didn't include being a nerdfighter but that is sort of implied.

It is getting late and I still have a lot of homework to finish so I'm going to end this. I'll do the Olympics theme next week.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Snow and umm more Snow

Hey girls it's friday!

so i dont think i have to say that i've been stranded in my house for the past 3 days. i managed to get out last night and go out to dinner with family and some friends. But i've basically been snowed in for quite some time now.

Hopefully i'll put up a video with a link right here

So the theme this week is What makes you a nerd. Besides the fact that my mom was a trekie and named me after the girl who played lieutenant Uhura. I have a very large collection of STAR WARS books, action figures, cups, movies, even a bootleg from the 80's of return of the jedi from the movie theatre. im a musical theatre geek, harry potter geek and have a love of Doctor who that is unbelievable.  Not to mention my very large( im up to 439) book collection. Where john green has the most books about conjoined twins i have the most books that are sequels to pride and prejudice. But i think the most shameful of all my nerdy obsessions is my love for phantom of the opera. I have been obsessed with POTO since i was 6 years old when i first heard the soundtrack. I own ever book ever written about the phantom and every movie ever made about it, including a bootleg copy of the Andrew lloyd webber musical. So when i heard that there was going to be a sequel to the ADW musical i got so excited and was jumping up and down.

@ Chelsea i hope everything is going ok. sorry guys can be really dumb sometimes.

@ Arielle i hope your exam went well! also frozen yogurt is way better than icecream anyday.

@ Tenley i hope the towing incident wasnt too painful. my college does the same thing and the students are the ones that suffer.

@ girls i think italy is a no go. so im planning on going to infinitus this summer but i will be driving most likely. hopefully ill see you girls there!

Next weeks theme is the olympics since it starts tonight!!!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A very very sad wednesday

So I'm mildly brokenhearted. I lost a friend today and prom date and I'm sad. I'm gonna do this post in lists

1) I dont like being ditched for a bad reason and I dont like being an after thought (I wasnt even an after thought because he didnt think about me)
2) I was so pathetic this week that I put off all of my homework til tonight and I still havent started
3) I'm too big of a geek to have drama like this
4) I mean come on! I like Harry Potter and 919 year old space men
5) I wish I knew how old doctor who really is
6) thinking I'm going to reread harry potter again
7) I remember being really happy when I was reading Harry potter.
8) Have a paper to write about Rwanda and the genocide
9) I cry when I have to do this stuff
10) So on top of my crap mood I'm going to be crying because of an assignment.

yal I'm so sorry I'm so self involved lately... It will be better when I move to Maryland

Thursday morning update --- he called me and said sorry. (in more words than that and in a really nice way)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


You know your a nerd when; you keep track of the days based on which fiveawesomegirl posts a video. Which is why I'm a little disappointed that Lauren hasn't posted yet... fortunately Wheezywaiter has started "Ty Tuesday" (Thanks, Wheezywaiter even though there's no way your reading this!). 

In addition, I'm also incredibly nerdy about memorizing things. Everything from quotes in books to things John and Hank say in their videos (I'm not stalker... I just follow them for their own safety. lol). 

To put it simply, I'm a literature nerd with a little bit of art and gamer nerd mixed in. 

But anyways girls, I'm back home. I actually kind of like it. I mean, I still commute to classes so I still see my friends all the time. Its basically the same, except I have my own room. But since I'm all settled in again I've returned to the other issue that has been haunting my life: money. I need some. I literally just applied to some jobs before writing this so um, fingers crossed. 

In worse news, my car was towed today. *throws tantrum* Here's the deal. When I found out I was going to have to commute I went to the parking services office to ask if I needed a different parking pass for my car. And they distinctly said no. So I left and moved off campus and all was good. Until today when they towed my car because apparently the parking services office likes to lie to people... or maybe just me. *throws another tantrum* Okay, I'm better now. Kind of... 

@ladies We should write a book, we're clearly the best authors around. And we should totally have a Skype chat soon. Also, my birthday is September 12th. 

@Chelsea I second that. After the towing incident I came home and read these and my mood almost instantly improved. 

@Carissa I'm actually kind of glad that your not to far into the 100 book challenge because it means I'm not the only one. I'm on four. 

@Arielle I hope your Biology exam went well. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday is a nerd

Once again I'm left without a theme, but that is okay because I really don't have a lot of time to blog today. I have my first exam for Biology tomorrow which is worth 25% of my grade for the class. The exam is also only 25 questions so there really is no room to screw it up! My sister and I are in the same class and we are supposed to be studying together this weekend but she keeps coming up with excuses not to study with me. Hopefully she'll finally come over to study with me later when she is done volunteering at the local hospital because this is the type of class you can study all you want from the book and notes but until you have someone to talk it out with and apply the concepts you'll never do well. In the mean time I've just been relating certain concepts we learn to Doctor Who which has worked out nicely (yeah I've taken my nerdiness to the extreme lol).

So that epic story was...interesting. The Nerdettes take on the Giant Squid of Anger!

@Tenley: You have probably moved home by now. I hope the move went well!

@Chelsea: Keep up that Jillian Michaels! I hope it is going well.

@Carissa: Sorry I never responded to your skype message. It's just with this exam I've been nonstop studying and haven't been on skype. I probably shouldn't even be on the internet at all because I keep procrastinating with tumblr, twitter and the HHH livestream, but what is life without procrastination?

Also my birthday is June 26. Which is not going to be a great day for me this year because I'll be stuck in a practice MCAT exam all day. I'm also going to be stuck at school because I'm taking classes this summer and I only know of very few people who will be up here this summer. But less than a month later will be Infinitus which I am going to drive down for the weekend to see AVPM live and go to the ball as long as I don't have an exam that Monday. And even so I will prepare as far in advance for the exam as I can because I really want to go to Infinitus and meet certain people IRL =D

Time for me to get back to studying. I will be on skype again once this exam is over so we can talk.
Have a great week girls!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Hey girls!

So yes it's crazy snowing right now so some of my friends are coming over tomorrow to go SLEDDING!! 
Now i'm not a big fan of snow actually im not a fan at all. But when there is nothing much else to do im all for it. 

Im 2 for 100 in the 100 books in 2010 so far. im on my third as of about an hour ago. Also as a side note i am quite excited for there to be only 4 months till Eclispe comes out even though i dont like edward cullen all that much. But so much more excited for Alice next month!!! im reading the book version of the movie tonight just for the hell of it. 

I hope everyone got the skype message i sent around that hopefully we can all get together on skype sometime this weekend. 

Did anyone catch Fringe this week I so called it!!!

oh girls i was so hoping that amelia would post yesterday so that i wouldn't have to finish the story completely because im a horrible theme writer. The OH LOOK SHINY plays a big part in it. But here goes...

Then out of nowhere Carissa appeared and beat the squid to death with her giant copy of The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. It was then that the girls noticed that two of their beloved members had gone missing... Apparently the giant squid had attacked them. Then decied then and there to go on a search that would lead them around the world in 79 days (cuz we are just that awesome) in search of the missing members. They hired me to be their narrator and Willie to be the capitan and sailed off in to the horizon. But unfortunately is was all a dream. But no worries because i found 10 dollars in the dead squid's corduroys pocket. i apologize for that...ummm yeah.....

Anyway Chelsea forgot to mention what next weeks theme is so hopefully she will read this and skype everyone it.

Oh and the answer for last weeks thing about the real school that holden's school is based off is Valley Forge Military Academy, JD Salinger  went there!! I've only gone there for dances in highschool and we had choir with their choir a few times.

Question of the day: When is everyone's birthdays??  

Night girls!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Epic story fail...

Okay So I have a feeling this isnt going to go well... here goes

...a giant decepticon!!!! This was no ordinary decepticon. This Decepticon secretly wanted to be a nerd fighter. So he went into battle agianst the beast-squid-thing. With in seconds the Giant Squid had been tamed... because Archie (the decepticon) was super badass. Archie got down to his knees to speak to Tenley and Arielle and to their surprise Chelsea was sitting on his back. Then suddenly she was knocked off of his back by and evil giant giant squid...

that was crap! I'm sorry yal but I just got home... sort of. I didnt have rehearsal today so I came home sort of early then I went to my friends house to study for a quiz (given by a decepticon math teacher) tomorrow. I have a feeling I'm not going to do well without a lot more studying so I have to get off the internet like now.

@ladies... Getting home and reading these blogs is like a cookie at the end of the day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Haiti, Henry, Snow and Stories!

So I listening to Hank on the Helping Haiti Heal livestream and then I remembered, its Tuesday. Thus, I am now blogging. Speaking of the livestream, were any of you watching when John showed Henry on it? I wasn't... I had math class, but I saw pictures and videos soon after and oh my god he's adorable.

Anyways, not much is going on here, like I said last week I'm moving back to my house soon. Specifically on Friday. Aside from that this weekend we got a massive snow storm, well massive for Virginia, but its really just like a foot and a half of snow with a lot of ice. But really nothing exciting is happening, I suppose I'll just move on to the @ replies.

@Chelsea Good luck with your Jillian Michaels workout thing, I hope its going well.

@Carissa I have seen the pictures of the Hogwarts Theme park and they look so awesome! And don't worry about the 100 book challenge, you still have lot's of time to catch up.

@Arielle Venti coffee is never a bad idea. Speaking of, now I want coffee. Oh and, yeah, I know less about Geometry than I know about Dr. Who. lol

Epic Story (Continued from Sunday)
...Tenley running toward her with, as Maureen Johnson would say, flailing muppet arms. Oh wait, Maureen was saying that because I, Maureen Johnson am standing less than ten feet away narrating the whole account. Anyways, after the innitial encounter Arielle and Tenley proceeded to walk around the top deck in search of the other girls... or at the very least something vaguely entertaining to do. When it happened, standing in front of them was none other than John Green himself, but he didn't seem like himself. They brushed it off at first by thinking that they never really knew him, only through the internet and kept walking closer. This was their mistake. Because the man in question was not John Green, nor was a Nerdfighter of any kind, he... or it, was a giant squid of anger disguised as John! Before either of the girls could do anything they felt a breeze and then all of a sudden the Squid was tackled by...


Wow... that was strangely difficult. Why did I pick this theme? idk. Good luck finishing that story girl's.

Tenley Nadine